
This article describes how to add Internet information for an item to the SOP Blank Invoice form in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   924538


This article contains step-by-step instructions for how to modify the SOP Blank Invoice form. To successfully modify this form, you must open it by using Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Then, you must create a new calculated field for the form.

After you create this calculated field, you must insert it into the report layout, and then save the changes to the report. Finally, you must assign security permissions to the report. This article includes detailed instructions for each of these steps.

To add Internet information for an item to the SOP Blank Invoice form, follow these steps.

Step 1: Start Report Writer

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Customize on the Tools menu, and then click Report Writer.
  2. In the Product list, click Microsoft Dynamics GP, and then click OK.
  3. Click Reports.

Step 2: Open the SOP Blank Invoice form

  1. In the Report Writer window, click SOP Blank Invoice Form in the Original Reports list.
  2. To move this report to the Modified Reports list, click Insert.
  3. In the Modified Reports list, click SOP Blank Invoice Form, and then click Open.
  4. In the Report Definition window, click Layout.

Step 3: Create a calculated field for the SOP Blank Invoice form

  1. In the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields in the list that appears on the Layout tab.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Calculated Field Definition window, type Item Home Page in the Name box.

  4. In the Result Type list, click String.

  5. In the Expression Type box, click Calculated.

  6. Click the Expressions Calculated box, click the Functions tab, and then click User-Defined.

  7. In the Core list, click System.

  8. In the Function list, click RW_GetInternetInfo, and then click Add.

  9. Click the Constants tab, click String in the Type list, type ITM in the Constant box, and then click Add.

  10. On the Fields tab, click Sales Transaction Amounts Work in the Resources list, click Item Number in the Field list, and then click Add.

  11. Click the Constants tab, click String in the Type list, leave the Constant box blank, and then click Add.

  12. In the Type list, click Integer, type 2 in the Constant box, and then click Add. The following information appears in the Expressions Calculated box:

    FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_GetInternetInfo"ITM"SOP_LINE_WORK.Item Number""2)


    This calculated field displays the information that appears in the Home Page field of the Internet Information window.

  13. Follow steps 1 through 12 for each line that you want to print in the report. For example, to print the information that is displayed in the E-mail field of the Internet Information window, type 1 in the Constant box in step 12. In this situation, the following information appears:

    FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_GetInternetInfo"ITM"SOP_LINE_WORK.Item Number""1)

  14. Click OK.

Step 4: Add the calculated field to the report layout

  1. In the Toolbox window, leave the Calculated Fields option selected in the list on the Layout tab. Then, drag the Item Home Page field from the list of calculated fields to the H2 area of the report.
  2. Modify the size and the location of the Item Home Page field according to your requirements.

Step 5: Save the changes to the report, and then exit Report Writer

  1. On the File menu, click Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains.
  2. Click Save when you are prompted to save the changes to the report layout.
  3. Click Save when you are prompted to save the changes to the modified report.
  4. Exit Report Writer.

Step 6: Assign security permissions to the modified report by using the Standard Security tool

  1. Open the User Security Setup window by pointing to the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, then point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then click on User Security.
  2. Enter the User Id you are looking to grant access to the modified form/report to.
  3. Enter the company this security needs to be granted in.
  4. Take down the "Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID" that appears at the bottom of the window.
  5. Open the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports window by pointing to the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, then point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, then click on Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
  6. Enter in the Id obtained in step 4.
  7. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP as the product.
  8. Select Reports as the Type.
  9. Expand the Sales Folder.
  10. Find the report you are looking to grant access to in the list that populates and expand it. Make sure it is set to the one labeled (modified).