
Expense Payment Type

Expense payment types define how the expense sheet transaction will flow through the system once it is posted and effect the presentation of totals at the top of the expense report. Posting  Options are NONE, GL, AP (Purchase Invoice), Employee Journal, Purchase.

Expense Payment Type – User defined value
Expense Payment Description – user defined description
Expense Payment Function – This field drives the totals at the top of the Expense Report for classification. ‘Company Paid’ requires a credit card number on the expense report line
Choices are ‘Resource Paid’, ‘Advance’, ‘Company Paid’, ‘Payroll’, ‘Repayment’.

Expense Posting - Define how the expense sheet transaction will flow through the system once it is posted.
Options are:
  • NONE – Expense report line updates Project totals
  • GL – Expense report line updates Project totals and generates a batch to GL. If this option is chosen, the Project Expense Posting Setup requires a GL Credit offset account
  • AP – Expense report line updates Project totals and generates a Purchase Invoice. The posting of the purchase invoice generates a GL entry that Debits the DR account from the Expense posting setup and Credits AP
  • Employee Journal - Expense report line updates Project totals and generates an Employee Journal Line that is automatically posted.
  • Purchase Journal - Expense report line updates Project totals and generates a Purchase Journal Line that is automatically posted. This generates a GL entry that Debits the DR account from the Expense posting setup and Credits AP

  • Gen. Journal Template – This setup is used for Expense Posting type of GL and identifies the Gen Journal Template used in GL
  • Gen. Journal Batch - his setup is used for Expense Posting type of GL and identifies the Gen Journal Batch used in GL

Project Expense Posting Setup

This setup defines the posting accounts used when the expense report line is posted to the GL, creates a purchase invoice or creates a purchase journal. A setup is required for each combinations of the Expense Payment Type and Expense Code used in the expense sheet and the purchase invoice screen.

Start Date – This field can be used as an effective date and is required
Project No – This field can be used to designate an account posting for a specific project
Task Code – This field can be used to designate an account posting for a specific project
Expense Code – Enter the expense code field. This is a required field
Payment Type
Debit Expense Account – this is the debit account used for the GL entry, AP (Purchase Invoice) and Purchase Journal
GL Credit Offset Account - this is the credit account used for the expense posting method of GL. AP and Purchase Journal method do not require this account to be setup because the credit will be the AP account of the vendor.
Credit Card Expense Debit – this is the debit account used for Purchase Invoice and Purchase Journal when it is created for a credit card vendor. Populate this field if you want to use a different account for the credit posting. If Credit card posting and non-credit card posting should be posted to the same debit account, then this field can be left blank