Filter Criteria and Symbols

Quick filter criteria
Search Criteria Interpreted as... Returns...
man @*man* All records that contain the text man and case insensitive.
se @*se* All records that contain the text se and case insensitive.
Man* Starts with Man and case sensitive. All records that start with the text Man.
'man' An exact text and case sensitive. All records that match man exactly.
@man* Starts with and case insensitive. All records that start with man.
@*man Ends with and case insensitive. All records that end with man.

(..) Interval
Sample Expression Records Displayed
1100..2100 Numbers 1100 through 2100
..2500 Up to and including 2500
..12 31 00 Dates up to and including 12 31 00
P8.. Information for accounting period 8 and thereafter
..23 From the beginning date until 23-current month-current year 23:59:59
23.. From 23-current month-current year 0:00:00 until the end of time
22..23 From 22-current month-current year 0:00:00 until 23-current month-current year 23:59:59

(|) Either/or
Sample Expression Records Displayed
1200|1300 Numbers with 1200 or 1300

(<>) Not equal to
Sample Expression Records Displayed
<>0 All numbers except 0

The SQL Server Option allows you to combine this symbol with a wild card expression. For example, <>A* meaning not equal to any text that starts with A.

(>) Greater than
Sample Expression Records Displayed
>1200 Numbers greater than 1200

(>=) Greater than or equal to
Sample Expression Records Displayed
>=1200 Numbers greater than or equal to 1200

(<) Less than
Sample Expression Records Displayed
<1200 Numbers less than 1200

(<=) Less than or equal to
Sample Expression Records Displayed
<=1200 Numbers less than or equal to 1200

(&) And
Sample Expression Records Displayed
>200&<1200 Numbers greater than 200 and less than 1200

('') An exact character match
Sample Expression Records Displayed
'man' Text that matches man exactly and is case sensitive.

(@) Case insensitive
Sample Expression Records Displayed
@man* Text that starts with man and is case insensitive.

(*) An indefinite number of unknown characters
Sample Expression Records Displayed
Co Text that contains "Co" and is case sensitive.
*Co Text that ends with "Co" and is case sensitive.
Co* Text that begins with "Co" and is case sensitive.

(?) One unknown character
Sample Expression Records Displayed
Hans?n Text such as Hansen or Hanson

Combined format expressions
Sample Expression Records Displayed
5999|8100..8490 Include any records with the number 5999 or a number from the interval 8100 through 8490.
..1299|1400.. Include records with a number less than or equal to 1299 or a number equal to 1400 or greater (all numbers except 1300 through 1399).
>50&<100 Include records with numbers that are greater than 50 and less than 100 (numbers 51 through 99).
Recurring General Journal Recurring Frequency Short Cuts
  • T- Today
  • CW- Current Week
  • D- Day
  • W-Week
  • M-Month
  • CM-Current Month (Last Day of the Month)
  • Y- Year
  • WD- week day
    • Example WD4- on the fourth day of the week

  • CM+20D- 20th of Next Month
  • CM+25D- 25th of Next Month
  • CM+15D-1M- 15th of the M1onth
  • CM+20D-1M—Due-C On 20Th Day
  • 1M+CM—On the last day of the month
  • -CW..CW- anything in the current week.
  • -CM..CM- Anything in the current month

Recurring Journal/Deferral Shortcuts

%1 – The current day number
%2 – The current week number
%3 – The current month number
%4 – The current month name
%5 – The current accounting period name