Enter the payment line – when you get to the Amount field – select Process, Apply Entries

Table<br><br>Description automatically generated
I select the ones I want to pay.
Graphical user interface, table<br><br>Description automatically generated

Select Process, Set Applies-to ID
A picture containing graphical user interface<br><br>Description automatically generated

This updates the Applies-to ID field with the Document No.  If you want to partially pay an invoice – you can adjust the Amount to Apply value

At the bottom of the screen – the system will total the invoices/credit memos

Then select Ok at the bottom of the page
This drops in the amount for you.
Graphical user interface, application<br><br>Description automatically generated
Then you just need to offset to the Bank and enter a value in the Bank Payment Type field.  You do not need to enter anything in the Applies-to fields on the lines.