
Dynamics GP Mass Modify Chart of Accounts

Do you need to copy information from existing accounts to new accounts, move an account or range of accounts to another range? Or do you need to inactivate an account or range of account? Or possibly you need to delete an account or a range of accounts.

Use Dynamics GP Mass Modify Chart of Accounts

Financial >> Cards>> Financial >> Mass Modify

The first step is to select what type of Modification you need to make.

Modify: Select an option for modifying the chart of accounts.


Creates new accounts by copying information from existing accounts. If you copy an allocation account, the distribution accounts for the new account will be the ones used for the allocation account you copied. To assign different distribution accounts, use the fixed or variable allocation maintenance windows.


Moves a single account or range of accounts. Only accounts with no current-year activity and no history amounts can be moved. When you move accounts, budget amounts aren’t transferred.

If you move an allocation account, the distribution accounts for the new account will be the ones used for the allocation account you moved. To assign different distribution accounts, use the fixed or variable allocation maintenance windows.


Inactivates accounts. Use this method to inactivate a range of active accounts with zero balances or to inactivate all accounts in the range. For example, if your company purchased a building and needed to inactivate all the rent expense accounts you’ve used previously, you could inactivate the range of accounts at once, rather than doing them one at a time.


Deletes an account or account range from the chart of accounts. When you delete an account, General Ledger checks to see if the account has activity or history associated with it, but does not check the work table. If you enter data in one module while another user is deleting the account in another module, you may receive a message saying that the account has been deleted. Therefore, before deleting an account, check the work table to be sure no one has entered data to that account.

You can delete accounts only if they meet the following conditions:

  • No balance
  • No activity for an open period
  • No account history amounts
  • Not part of an allocation or unposted transaction
  • Not part of an unposted transaction
  • No multicurrency data
  • No transaction history records



Updates the level of posting for a selected range of accounts from the chart of accounts.

Use this method to update the level of posting for a range of accounts from the chart of accounts. For example, you might want to change the level of posting from summary to detail so that you can track additional information for that range of accounts.

  • The next step is to decide if you will get descriptions from the Existing Accounts or from the Account segments:
  • Next is to select either All Accounts, or a range of Accounts you will be Modifying


If you’re copying or moving accounts, enter an account mask.

For example, suppose you have a range of accounts set up for an existing department, and you want to create a similar set of accounts for a new department. If the first segment is used to identify departments, and the existing department is identified by 100, you could enter 200 in the first segment of the new account mask. The range of accounts you selected would be copied but 200 would be substituted for the first segment.

If I have added a new segment to my account format, for instance for Office or Location, I would need to add the new accounts for each office or location.

Using MASS MODIFY I will now add accounts for an additional segment.

I originally made all the existing Balance Sheet Accounts use Office 00 for Corporate Office.

I then Set all the existing Profit & Loss Accounts to 01 for North Office.

I now want to create new Profit & Loss Accounts for the 02 South Office.

Dynamics GP Mass Modify Chart of Accounts

I have selected a From/To range to include all of my Profit and Loss Accounts.

I am copying from those accounts into a New Account Mask to add a segment 02 for my South Office.

Here is an example showing that I now have Profit and Loss accounts added with my 02 South Office segment.

This will add a new account for every account in that range.

 NOTE: The changes made in this window  Dynamics GP Mass Modify Chart of Accounts, will permanently affect the chart of accounts.

It is recommended to TEST in a sample company first. Also make sure you BACKUP your company data prior to updating your LIVE company.