
Products are the backbone of your business. The product catalog in Dynamics 365 Sales Professional is a collection of products and pricing information. Make it easier for your sales reps to increase their sales by creating a product catalog quickly.

  1. Make sure you have the Sales Manager Professional or a System Administrator role so you can add products in Dynamics 365 Sales Professional.
  2. In the site map, under Setup, select Products.
  3. Select Add Product.
  4. Fill in your information:
    • Name.
    • Product ID.
    • Parent. Do not use. This field is not supported for Sales Professional.
    • Valid From/Valid To. Define the period the product is valid for by selecting a Valid From and Valid To date.
    • Unit Group. Select a unit group. A unit group is a collection of various units a product is sold in and defines how individual items are grouped into larger quantities. For example, if you're adding seeds as a product, you might have created a unit group called "Seeds" and defined its primary unit as "packet."
    • Default Unit. Select the most common unit in which the product will be sold. Units are the quantities or measurements that you sell your products in. For example, if you're adding seeds as a product, you can sell it in packets, boxes, or pallets. Each of these becomes a unit of the product. If seeds are mostly sold in packets, select that as the unit.
    • Default Price List. If this is a new product, this field is read-only. Before you can select a default price list, you must complete all the required fields and then save the record. Although the default price list is not required, after you save the product record, it is a good idea to set a default price list for each product. Then, if a customer record does not contain a price list, Sales can use the default price list for generating quotes, orders, and invoices.
    • Decimals Supported. Enter a whole number between 0 and 5. If the product can't be divided into fractional quantities, enter 0. The precision of the Quantity field in the quote, order, or invoice product record is validated against the value in this field if the product does not have an associated price list.
    • Subject. Associate this product with a subject. You can use subjects to categorize your products and to filter reports.

Product form with data.

  1. Select Save.
  2. To add price list items, go to the Additional Details tab. In the Price List Items section, select the More commands icon, and then select Add New Price List Item.

Add New Price List Item menu option.

  1. To add product relationships, on the Additional Details tab of the product form, in the Product Relationship section, select the More commands icon, and then select Add New Product Relationship.
  2. In the New Product Relationship form, enter the following details, and on the command bar, select Save and Close:
    • Related Product. Select a product that you want to add as a related product to the existing product record you're working on.
    • Sales Relation Type. Select whether you want to add the product as an up-sell, cross-sell, accessory, or substitute product.
    • Direction. Select whether the relationship between the products will be unidirectional or bidirectional. When you select unidirectional, the product that you select in Related Product will be shown as a recommendation for the existing product but not vice versa.
  3. On the Product form, select Save.
Import products
You can also use import templates to bring bulk product data into Dynamics 365 Sales. More information: Import data into Dynamics 365 Sales Professional.
Revise a product
Keep the product inventory updated by quickly revising properties for the products, as required, and republishing the information so that your sales agents can see the latest changes to the inventory.
  1. Make sure that you have one of the following security roles or equivalent permissions: System Administrator, System Customizer, Sales Manager, Vice President of Sales, Vice President of Marketing, or CEO-Business Manager.
  2. In the site map, select Products.
  3. Open an active product that you want to change, and on the command bar, select Revise.

Revise button on the command bar.

  1. In the Confirm Revise dialog box, select Confirm.

Confirm Revise dialog box.
This will change the product status to Under Revision.

  1. After you're done making changes, on the command bar, select Publish.
To revert the changes and continue with the last active version of the product, select Revert. This changes the status of the product back to Active.
Clone a product
When you're creating a new product, save time by cloning an existing one. This creates a copy of the original record with all the details except for the name and ID.
  1. Make sure that you have one of the following security roles or equivalent permissions: System Administrator, System Customizer, Sales Manager, Vice President of Sales, Vice President of Marketing, or CEO-Business Manager.
  2. In the site map, select Products.
  3. Select a product record that you want to clone, and on the command bar, select Clone.

Clone button on the command bar.

A confirmation dialog box appears.

Confirmation dialog box for cloning product.

  1. Select Confirm.
A new product record opens with the same details as the original one except for the name and ID.
Retire a product
If your organization doesn't sell a product anymore, retire it so that the product is no longer available to your sales agents.
  1. Make sure that you have the System Administrator or Sales Professional Manager role or equivalent permissions.
  2. In the site map, select Products.
  3. Open an active product that you want to retire, and on the command bar, select Retire.

Retire button on the command bar.

  1. In the Confirm Retire dialog box, select Confirm.

Confirm Retire dialog box.

Delete a product
To stop selling a product, delete it.
You can't recover a deleted record.

  1. Make sure that you have the System Administrator or Sales Professional Manager role or equivalent permissions.
  2. In the site map, select Products.
  3. Select a product record you want to delete, and on the command bar, select Delete.

Delete button on the command bar.

  1. In the Confirm Deletion dialog box, select Continue.
  2. Confirm Deletion dialog box.