
System Message 9 Item not found, please reenter, is returned when launching the Voucher and Adjustment Entry (03.010.00) screen.  In SL 2018, this is caused by an eBanking customization.  You may try the following steps to resolve.

1.  Confirm you have access to the eBankingVBA.cst file located in SL\Applications\eBanking\Install  

2.  Backup the screen customizations by going to Export Customizations screen in Administration and export the eBanking customizations.

3.  In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, delete the records related to the screen customization from the system database table CustomVBA with the following script:

Delete from CustomVBA where ScreenId = '0301000' and Sequence = '100'

4.  From the Import Customizations screen in Administration, navigate to the eBankingVBA.cst file and import.

5.  Launch the Voucher and Adjustment Entry (03.010.00) screen to see if the issue is resolved.