Run this script to find the column SRVSTAT and verify the order is in Status 27
•    Select * from SVC00203 where CALLNBR=’XXXXXX’ — Replace XXXXXX with the work order number
o    Make note of the SRVSTAT code assigned to the call number
Change the SRVSTAT to '30' with an update statement
o    Change the SRVSTAT code to the appropriate call status to indicate that the parts have been received.
•    Update SVC00203 SET SRVSTAT=’XXXX’ where DEX_ROW_ID=’XXXX’ –Replace XXXX with the number for the DEX_ROW_ID.
•    Update SVC00203 SET QTYBACKO=’0.00000′ where DEX_ROW_ID=’XXXX’ — Replace XXXX with the number for the DEX_ROW_ID.
•    Update SVC00203 SET QTYORDER=’XXXX’ where DEX_ROW_ID=’XXXX’ – Replace the QTYORDER with the actual with the actual quantity that was received. Replace XXXX with the number for the DEX_ROW_ID.
Examples of SQL Scripts run in my example:
Select * from SVC00203 where CALLNBR='0001618747'
Update SVC00203 SET SRVSTAT='30' where DEX_ROW_ID='4472831'
Update SVC00203 SET QTYBACKO='0.00000' where DEX_ROW_ID='4472831'
Update SVC00203 SET QTYORDER='xxx' where DEX_ROW_ID='4474497'