
When running the Financial>>Routines>>Fixed Assets>>Depreciate option, some assets do not depreciate even though the window appears to be finished.  The Financial>>Inquiry>>Fixed Assets>>Show Progress window will show the progress of the depreciation process and which asset is currently being depreciated.  You can review this asset in the Book window to make sure that the book has been completed.  If all is correct on the book record, review the Financial>>Setup>>Fixed Assets>>Calendar window and make sure that the Books Calendar has been set up for years 1901 to 2199.  If you do not have enough years set up to depreciate the longest life of an asset the asset will not depreciate.  If you are on a fiscal calendar that varies the begin and end dates of each period, you will need to build your calendar every year after you set up the new year in the Fiscal Period Setup window.  A Return Error 16 is commonly returned when you try to depreciate a single asset if the calendar does not have enough years added.