
After you have approved and posted a correcting timecard in the Time Review and Approval (TM.TRA.00) screen, the following occurs:

  1. The original timecard is made unavailable for additional entry. The le_status field in the PJLABHDR table is set to a value of X.
  2. The correcting timecard is assigned a new document number and the le_type field in the PJLABHDR table is set to a value of C.
  3. Additional records are created in the PJLABDIS table with the same value in the docnbr field as the original timecard, but with a negative amount to offset the original timecard.
  4. The fiscal period is set to the more recent of the following periods:
    • The current period in Project Controller.
    • The fiscal period for the week ending date in the Week Maintenance (TM.WEM.00) screen.

For example, if you must correct a timecard after you have closed a period, the correcting timecard will post to the current period and not the closed period.

  1. If you use the GL Labor Posting (TM.GLP.00) process, the DL_ID15 field in the PJLABDIS table for the negative transactions will be set to the GL batch number that the original timecard posted to. When you rerun the GL Labor Posting (TM.GLP.00) process, the negative entries flow to GL in the new batch. Then, the DL_ID15 field in the PJLABDIS table will contain the new GL batch number. Additionally, the STATUS_GL field in the PJLABDIS table is set to a value of P.