
Note: the user will need to reverse the other pre-payment application in Pre-Payment Application (03.070.00) and then apply the pre-payment to the applied document again.

Cause: When an unreleased pre-payment application batch is deleted, the batch.status is updated to V, but records are not removed from the ap_ppapplic, ap_ppapplicbat and ap_ppapplicdet tables.  This has been reported as a bug.

In Sql Server Query Analyzer: 

Resolution: Verify the deleted batch number.  Example:
Select batnbr, * from batch where status = 'V' and crtd_prog = '03070'

Assuming batch number 000123 has been deleted (status = V) then run the following delete statements.
delete from ap_ppapplicdet where batnbr = '000123'
delete from ap_ppapplicbat where batnbr = '000123'
delete from ap_ppapplic where batnbr = '000123'