
PO Approval using Workflow User Group with a limit amount and 1 approver needed out of a group of approvers.

Under On Condition, Click on Document Type: Order, Status: Open to set your filters.  In the example it is for an amount greater than or equal to 1,000.00.

Click Add Record restriction
Click on Create an approval request for the record using
Click the drop down for Approver Type, Select Workflow User Group
Select the Workflow User Group Code to use or Create a new User Group code to use.  The approval user setup may need to setup first.

Set the user group sequence no. if the sequence no.’s are the same then only one approver is necessary to approve the PO. 


Click on Remove record restriction.


Click on the three dots


Select Approve the approval request for the record

NOTE :  This will mark the other approval request as approved rather than leaving it as open when you are setting up multiple approvers with the same sequence no.