

When printing reports/forms in any module for Microsoft Dynamics GP, the below error message may happen:

Cannot access this report becasue the dictionary containing it is not loaded  - or - 

Cannot access this form because the dictionary containing it is not loaded.


Use the steps below to remove access to the missing report:

1. Click Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System and click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.

2. Choose the Modified Forms and Reports ID assigned to the user experiencing this issue.

3. Choose the Product from which the report is being generated or choose All Products if you are unsure. (For windows or forms, choose All Products.)

4. Select a Type of Reports. (or if it is a form, choose Windows).

5. From the Modified Forms and Reports List that populates, expand the correct Series and Report Name as appropriate.

6. You may find that the modified report is missing and no security is set. Mark the Microsoft Dynamics GP report to grant access to the original report. (Or you may re-import in the modified report and set security to the modified report again.) 

Note: If you are not sure of the report name or window name, you can run through the entire list and expand all to make sure one bullet is marked at least for each item in the list.