Issue – Posting Deposit and receiving a Payment Tolerance Error/Additional Setup questions
Sample of error - Payment Tolerance Debit Acc. is missing in Customer Posting Group.
If you search for Customer Posting Group and scroll to the right, you will see Payment Tolerance Accounts that you need to make sure have a G/L account assigned to them.  This would be where do you want the difference to post to.  (Below is my system).

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If you go to General Ledger Setup under the Application tab you will see what the Max amount is that the system will take for a Payment Tolerance.  Also, you can set it to warn you if it is going to take the tolerance – so you can say Yes or No…if you had a lot of entries this might not be very efficient.  If you are excepting – just a few you would be good to do that.

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If you want to change the Payment Tolerance amounts – you go to Actions, Functions, Change Payment Tolerance

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