
Employee has a deduction that was under or over withheld in a previous payroll. 
Perform the following steps: 

  1. Enter employee's time, if applicable, into a Time and Dollar batch. 
  2. Calculate the employee 
  3. Open the Review/Edit screen. 
  4. Enter the employee's ID 
  5. It is best practice to take a screen shot of the whole Review/Edit screen prior to making edits to ensure that Subject Wages updates appropriately for each change in deduction. 



  1. In the Deduction Detail section scroll to the deduction to be corrected.  In our example we will correct an amount over withheld. 
    1. Employee over withheld on Deduction ID HTH 
    2. Current deduction amount for this payroll is $250 
    3. Over withheld amount from previous payroll is $100 
    4. Amount to withhold this payroll $150 


Note:  A negative amount can be entered to reimburse employees for any deduction amount.  Example shown here.