
To upgrade Advanced Bank Reconciliation, there are a few preliminary steps that we will need to take prior to running the install.  First, please take a full backup of all of the databases. 

Then, please go the GP folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP20XX) on the server, or wherever GP is installed, and rename the ABR.dic to ABRold.dic.  Then, go into the Data folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP20XX\Data) underneath the GP folder and create a new subfolder.  Place the following sql files from the Data folder to the newly-created folder:

  • abr_proc.sql; (you might not have this file – just continue with the next file)
  • avbank.sql.

Once those steps have been taken on all appropriate servers:

  1. Have everyone log out of GP
  2. Run the install on the server, taking care to make sure that the file is being installed in the GP folder
  3. Open GP - right click and select Run As Administrator (after the install finishes running) 
  4. Click Yes at the prompt to add new code 
  5. Sign in as sa (after the new code is added and GP opens) 
  6. Click on the link to the Nolan Business Solutions folder on the left side of the GP home screen to access the Nolan Install window.
  7. If you are upgrading from a previous major version of GP, you will need to enter new registration keys*. 
  8. Select the companies in the scrolling window for which ABR is to be installed and click Install.  You will be asked if you have taken a backup of all of the company databases before this final step of the installation procedure runs.  If you have not backed up the databases before, please do so at this time before the running the install from inside of GP.  
  9. Run the ABR installer inside of GP on each of the client workstations.

*A note about reg keys: If you are updating to a new build of ABR but are not changing the major version of GP and are not on 18.2 (ex: GP2016 R2 to GP 2016 R2 OR GP2018 R2 to GP2018 R2) and your user count is staying the same, then your existing reg keys will continue to work.  Please send a screenshot of the Nolan Install window for ABR to for new reg keys if:

  • The user count has changed
  • You are updating from one GP 18.2 minor version to another GP 18.2 version (ex: GP 18.02.1013 to GP 18.02.10136)
  • You are updating to a different major version (ex: GP2016R2 to GP2018R2)