
Refund a Customer.

A customer may request to be refunded a check instead of credit to their account.

In this example, the customer credit memo for $1,060.85 will be refunded in a check to the customer.

To create a refund check.

Go to Payment Journals.

Enter in the Posting Date - Date of the Refund check.

Document Type - Refund

Document No. - leave blank as it will be filled in with the Check number.

External Document no. - use as a reference field for the refund check ie return order number...

Account Type - Customer

Account No. - Customer No.

Description - Customer name

Amount - you can enter in the Amount or when you use the Applies-to Doc. No. the amount will be filled in for you.

Bal. Account Type - Bank Account

Bal. Account No. - Bank Account the check will come out of

Applies-to Doc. Type - Credit memo 

Applies-to Doc. No. - Click the drop down to select the credit memo. Click Ok.

Bank Payment Type - Computer Check

Print the Check.  Notice the Document No. will have the check number

Post the journal.